Dr. Kristie McAlpine
Assistant Professor
Human Resources/Organizational Behavior
Office: BSB 259
Phone: (856) 225-2354
Ph.D., Cornell University
Dr. Kristie McAlpine is an Assistant Professor of Management. She received her B.A. in Psychology from Kalamazoo College, her Master of Human Resources and Labor Relations (MHRLR) from Michigan State University, and her M.S. and Ph.D. from the ILR School at Cornell University. Kristieโs research explores themes associated with demographic and technological changes in the modern work context, including virtual work, diversity (e.g., gender, disability), and the work-family interface. Her research has been published in academic outlets such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, and Human Resource Management, among others. Her work has also been featured in various media outlets, including NPRโs Planet Money, BBC News, BBC World Service, and The New York Times.
Research Interests: Virtual work (e.g., telecommuting, virtual leadership), diversity (e.g., gender, disability), the work-family interface (e.g., boundary management, dual career couples), and human resource management.
Recent Awards & Honors:
- 2024ย New Jersey โBright Ideasโ Award, as one of the top 10 manuscripts published by all business faculty in the State of New Jersey for โLeading Virtually.โ Awarded by New Jersey Policy Research Organization (NJPRO) and the Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University
- 2023 Chancellorโs Award for Teaching Excellence, Rutgers University-Camden
- 2023 Teaching Innovation Award, Rutgers School of Business-Camden
ย Representative Publications:
- Dwertmann, D. J. G., Boehm, S. A., McAlpine, K., Kulkarni, M. (in press). Organizational burden or catalyst for ideas? Disability as a driver of cognitive flexibility and creativity. Administrative Science Quarterly.
- McAlpine, K., Bell, B., Lรฉon, E. (in press). It matters how you got there and who else is doing it: Examining the effects of two social-contextual characteristics of working from home. Human Resource Management. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrm.22262
- McAlpine, K., Piszczek, M. (2023). Along for the ride through liminal space: A role transition and recovery perspective on the work-to-home commute.ย Organizational Psychology Review.ย https://doi.org/10.1177/20413866221131394
- Bell, B., McAlpine, K., N. S. Hill. (2023). Leading virtually.ย Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior.ย https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-120920-050115
- Capitano, J., McAlpine, K., Greenhaus, J. (2019). Organizational influences on employee boundary permeability control: A multidimensional perspective. In M. R. Buckley, A. R. Wheeler, & J. R. B. Halbesleben (Eds.)ย Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management. UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.ย https://doi.org/10.1108/S0742-730120190000037005
- Kossek, E.E., Piszczek, M.M., McAlpine, K., Hammer, L., Burke, L., (2016). Work schedulers as job crafters of employment practice in long-term health care.ย Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 69(4), 961-990.ย https://doi.org/10.1177/0019793916642761
Courses Taught: Talent Management (Undergraduate; online and in-person); Leading Innovation and Creativity (MBA; online).